
About me

Here is some interesting things about myself:

high School

I went to South Albany High School and I ended up being able to graduate in three years. It was overall a great experience. I will forever be a Rebel!

School Website

community college

I spent my first two years of college at Linn Benton Community College in Albany, OR. I met a lot of great people and I graduated with my AAOT in June of 2014.

School Website


This is my second and final year at the U of O. I am a Business Administration Major with a General Business focus. Go Ducks!! I will graduate August of 2016. 

School Website


I currently am a Manager on Duty Plus for the Ross located in Eugene. I started at the Albany store and transferred. It has been a great experience thus far. I love my coworkers too!

Ross Website

Some of my favorite things:

My school pride

I love my Ducks and my alma mater, Rebels!